
Exclusive Pumpers South Africa

Exclusive pumping for South African women


December 2013

Power Pumps: Supply Boosters

Power Pumping:

Power pumping is a technique where you would mimic a baby cluster feeding which signals your body to produce more milk.

This techniques involves pumping in short sessions over a short period of time to stimulate the breast, you would use power pumping sessions in conjunction with your regular pumping schedule.

Some women find a 10 minute on (pumping), 10 minutes off (resting) for an hour a day to be sufficient in boosting supply, while others need more than 10 minutes to elicit a let down or “get into pumping”. Some women do power pumping sessions for 2 hours a day, and some do 2 or more power sessions in a day.

Doing a power pump once or twice a day when supply is dropping or to prevent supply from dropping when you decide to drop a pump can be very beneficial to maintaining or increasing supply.

Personally I found 15 minutes on, 10 minutes off for an hour and a half twice a day, when supply is dipping, helped boost my supply within 2 to 3 days.

A quick tip for power pumping: you don’t have to wash and sterilize your pump between the 10 minute sessions, keep lots of fluids close at hand and make sure you have a snack available too.
Find a comfortable seat (don’t slouch) and keep your babys picture or a recording handy. Use the restroom beforehand and make sure you have done everything you feel is important before sitting down to pump, it also helps to have a helping hand for your baby while you are busy.

You may not see an instant increase in supply, but don’t get despondent, just keep doing power pump sessions for a few days along with your regular pumping schedule and within a day or two your supply should start to increase.

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Guest Post: I’m Still Standing

It is always so special to be able to connect with mothers who have been through similar obstacles and persevered, who have overcome difficulties, disappointments, fear, depression and hurt and come out the other side stronger, those who have gone on to become warriors who are kicking PND’s butt and done what others deemed as impossible, it is remarkable when women like this are able to open up, in all their honesty, their pain and their losses to inspire others. This is a very special story about a very special mama on her journey through motherhood, post-natal depression and exclusive pumping.

You can find her on facebook:

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Or you can read her blog:

A lot of my blog entries are kinda ‘woe is me’, pity parties and totally self absorbed, which is pretty much what depression is about. But, you know what? I’m still here, I’m still being a mother, I’m still pumping, which is a lot more than I thought I’d achieve around this time two years ago.

The first signs of depression started antenatally, looking back on it. I had a few nights of anxiety and crying to my husband, absolutely terrified and feeling some regret at being pregnant.

I turned proper bat shit crazy almost as soon as Moo was born. I’d suffered an awful birth, a ventouse delivery, hemorrhage, third degree tear, a blood transfusion, a general anesthetic. I didn’t have immediate skin to skin with Moo and breastfeeding wasn’t going to plan. My husband was due to leave at the end of visiting hours on day three and I just flipped out. There was no way he was leaving me there alone with this baby that I hated. I was moved to a private room, Moo was given to the midwives and the mental health team were called.

The breastfeeding went from bad to worse. Expressing drops of colostrum into a syringe and hour long sessions of trying to get Moo to latch were taking their toll. No one called on a lactation consultant (a job title that I didn’t know existed at the time). Instead, midwife after midwife tried to ‘help’ by forcing Moo’s poor bruised head to my breasts, expecting her to magically get it. I knew nothing of tongue ties, it was never mentioned, no reason as to why she couldn’t feed was ever offered. I needed to get out of the hospital, away from the over bearing staff, the strip lighting, the noise. I gave her formula and they let me go home.

I didn’t want this baby. She was such a fucking burden. She didn’t ever settle, wanting to be held all the time. I just wanted to sleep or be on my own. Convincing my husband to run away with me or give her away wasn’t working. Plan B was to kill myself. I scoured the medicine cabinet, but as far as I knew, gaviscon and lactulose wouldn’t have the desired effect. I was started on anti depressants instead of the medication for anxiety. 

The midwife who visited me at home told me that I could still try breastfeeding. I’d woken up in tears the day my milk had come in, fearing it was too late. And so the adventure began. Nipple shields, worrying weight loss, keeping a feeding journal, the threat of ‘bottles or be readmitted to hospital’ was enough for me to start the viscous cycle of topping up. Pumping, a tongue tie snip (finally, at five weeks), a supplemental nursing system. I jacked it all in at five weeks. It was that or suicide. I didn’t have the means, or the guts, to see it through. Exclusively pumping it was.

All my information came from websites and online forums. The health care professionals around me were unsupportive, suggesting that trying was enough and that my happiness was more important. Bull shit. My baby was getting breast milk. And so the regime began. Pumping every two hours, sterilising, feeding. Holy cow, it was exhausting, but at least I felt I was doing something positive for this baby. I couldn’t love her, or care for her on my own, but at least she was eating gourmet. 

Pumping has gotten easier over time. With the help of Fenugreek and Domperidone I met her needs at four months and ditched the formula that I never thought I’d have to use. Good riddance. I could drop pumps, freeze some, stop waking at night, Moo drank less and less. And now here I am, at 27 months, pumping once per day.

I can’t say when, but I started loving Moo. I could eventually tidy the house a bit, and cook some meals, and go out a little. I made some friends. I didn’t want to die, I wanted to be a mother to my girl. 

Oh the guilt. The guilt at wanting to give Moo away, to put my hand over her mouth until the crying stopped, regretting having her, it’s overwhelming at times. I could cry about it forever. I’m still grieving about not being able to breastfeed. I think I’ll always feel incredible sadness. I still have mental days. I’ll get frustrated and anxious and short tempered. I want to hide under the duvet and just be still and silent. Just living is too much some days. But they’re rare now. Thank The Lord.

I don’t know what’s made me ‘better’. The drugs, the cognitive behavioural therapy, the time that’s passed. I think maybe it’s just Moo. She’s pretty awesome. I never thought I’d enjoy any of this, but every day I find moments of pure joy. I was told my milk would dry up, that I could never maintain a milk supply through pumping. But here I am (with help from the Dom), still going more than two years later. 

There were times when I felt so weak, so broken. I couldn’t take care of myself, let alone a totally dependant human being. But, I’m still standing, and now I’m stronger than I’ve ever been. I’ve spoken to many women that have been through similar experiences. that didn’t get the birth they had wanted, that aren’t on the breastfeeding journey they longed for. I know there are lots of you out there, feeling so isolated. Please know that you’re not alone.  Hang in there mamas, you’ll get there too. 

PS: Is anyone else singing Elton John now?

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Info For Caregivers Of Breastfed Babies

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Goals and Believing Are Just As Important As Your Pump!

Recently I was asked why my original goal for pumping was set at 3 years, after all its so much hard work, wasn’t I afraid I would fall short and not reach my goal?

Goals are something that are incredibly important to keep focus and inspiration alive. Goals are something to strive for on hard days and celebrate on good ones.

Before my daughter was born, my plan was to breastfeed for 3 years, I had read up on breastfeeding and the benefits and I felt 3 years was a suitable and “easy” goal to reach. Unfortunately I was thrown a curve ball when my daughter had difficulty latching. Breastfeeding was obviously not as “easy” as I had anticipated.

Even though I then faced a completely different breastfeeding journey, I still wanted to stick to my original goal of 3 years. I believed in breastmilk, if not in myself, some belief was always there, right from the beginning. It was important that there was some belief, in something, because some belief grew into self-belief, which grew into strength, which grew into determination, which has grown into success.

I knew my own breastmilk was what was best for my child, so I had to dig deep, I had to find that drive, determination and self-belief, somewhere in those early days, I just had to KNOW I could do it, I could never doubt myself, if I allowed even one iota of doubt, then it would grow, and the more it grew, the less self confidence and belief I would have in myself, I couldn’t allow that to happen. I couldn’t fail, I already felt I had failed on so many levels, I was not prepared to go down without a WAR!

I had to push, I had to fake self-belief sometimes too, if I told myself I could do it 100 times a day, eventually I would believe it. Right?
Right! We ARE our thought, our thoughts become US!

Even though I had a set goal in mind I still had to take it day-by-day sometimes, I still had to get up some mornings after a measly 3 hours sleep and look in that mirror and tell myself;

“I believe in you, you’ve got this”

I had to, I sometimes still have to!

Setting goals is important, so is believing in yourself, believing in your abilities, KNOWING you can do it!

Positive thoughts bring positive energy…


Breast Milk Storage

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